Booking terms

These general terms and conditions apply between Rogaland Fritidspark AS (Kongeparken) and the person who, by himself or by someone, orders on Kongeparkens booking page. The order may include tickets, accommodation other products and services or a combination of these.

Responsible seller is Rogaland Fritidspark AS, Ålgård
Phone: 815 22 673
Org nr: 984 033 826
Office: Kongsgata 20 NO-4330 Ålgård

Before making a final order, it is important that you read important information about the concerned product. The customer is responsible for ensuring that the product is in line with its wishes. The customer is responsible for ensuring that the confirmation corresponds to the one ordered.

2.1. Payment
Tickets and other products are paid in full when ordering. Purchased tickets and other products are not refundable. Right of withdrawal does not apply when buying tickets and other products.

2.2. Activities with unlimited capacity, for example entrance tickets to Kongeparken can be used on other date than chosen when ordering, by agreement with Kongeparken. This applies if it opening hours and price for the selected date corresponds to the paid. At another price period, the customer may pay the difference. Tickets are not refundable due to variation of seasonal prices.

Tickets without "last date" are valid 2 years after the order date and during the current opening hours.

2.4. Family/Season card
Seasonal card is paid in full upon order. Purchased season tickets are not repurchased. Right of withdrawal does not apply when buying season tickets.

2.5 Accommodation 
Accommodation is paid in full upon order. Cancellation of booking is free of charge up until 7 days before arrival. In case of cancellation later than 7 days before arrival no refund will be made.

2.6 Disputes
Kongeparken as a mediator of external services is not a part of the case if there is a disagreement between another supplier and the customer regarding quality or errors that occurred before or during the experience.

3.1 When ordering
After a properly completed prepayment, you will receive a receipt sent to the email address you provided, with confirmation/ booking number and a specification of what you ordered and paid. The order is not completed and valid in following case:
The customer did not receive an e-mail with acknowledgment or confirmation/booking number and specification.
Card payment is canceled for different reasons and payment is unsuccessful.
The payment is not complete or correct, and the amount is not withdrawn from the client's account. This will cancel the purchase/reservation after a short period of time.
Clients must ensure that they are reachable with the e-mail address entered when registering. Client is responsible for taking care of the e-mail confirmation, and bringing print or electronic confirmation to the venue the order relates.

3.2 Changes regarding taxes and fees
In the event that taxes and fees are changed, and result in a cost increase for Kongeparken after the order has been completed and paid, the price may be increased by the corresponding for the customer. The price change must be notified immediately to the buyer.

3.3 Reservations 
We reserve ourselves for possible printing or correction errors on web pages and in printed information about offers at Kongeparken.

Client is responsible for having own relevant insurance related to travel and customers, such as travel insurance (including cancellation insurance) and travel liability insurance.

Kongeparken is not responsible for unsatisfactory conditions or closed facilities as a result of acts of war, natural disasters, national or regional strikes, disruption of water or energy supply, fire or similar events that no party involved could anticipate or influence.
We reserve ourselves for incorrect prices, description of services or technical issues that may arise.

Upon payment, the customer accepts personal data to be processed by Kongeparken. This is necessary in order to conduct ordinary administration.
Kongeparken undertakes not to deliver or sell information to third parties. The information the customer has registered at Kongeparkens booking page can be used to inform about arrangements and special offers offered on this page.

For deletion of personal information, please contact Kongeparken at

Kongeparkens handling personal data

Kongeparken's goal is that everyone who has personal data processed by Kongeparken will feel confident that their personal integrity is respected and that adequate efforts are made to protect the personal information that is provided to us. Kongeparken processes personal data in accordance with the Data Processing Act (EU) 2016/679, also called (GDPR). The data processing laws are in place to prevent your personal integrity being abused through the processing of personal data. Your personal data can only be processed if you have approved it, or if there is support in the data processing or other law.

1 Introduction
This information text explains how Kongeparken handles your personal information and what rights you have. The information is addressed to you as:
  • Is the customer with us - when you buy tickets, visit us, stay in hotels through us or shop in our shops and restaurants.
  • Is a member of Kongeparken, affiliated with a business agreement, has a family card or has a login account to our online services.
  • Visit our website or social media platforms, or connect to Kongeparkens Wi-Fi, participate in our marketing activities or customer surveys.
  • In other ways, we communicate with us, for example through our customer service and ordering.
Your integrity is important to us. We are therefore concerned that the personal data collected on your behalf is stored and handled in a safe and secure manner and in accordance with the data processing law. We encourage you to read the information carefully. If you have any questions about how your personal information is handled, you are welcome to contact us. Our contact details are at the end of this information text.

2. What is personal information?

2.1 Who is responsible for your personal information?
Kongeparken is responsible for personal data for the information we process.
2.2 What is personal information?
Personal information is all information that can be directly or indirectly (ie together with other information) linked to you, such as name, picture, social security number, IP address, as well as visitor and purchase history.

3. What personal information do we handle about you and why?
In this section we explain how your personal information is used to provide you with relevant experiences, services and offers.

3.1 Purchase
When you buy tickets, visit us, live with our partners or shop in our stores and restaurants, we will handle the following information you provide us:
  • Your name (and name included) and your contact information.
  • Age / height for price differentiation of tickets
  • Your social security number if required for the purchase.
  • Your customer number, company agreement number and / or Kongeparkens family card number if you provide these when ordering / purchasing.
  • Information about your visit and purchase history, such as price and time.
  • Information on the need for escorts or wheelchairs during the journey, when such information is required.
  • Payment information and payment history.

We handle your personal information in order to:
  • Identify yourself as a visitor, for example by ticket check.
  • Safety in the park, as some activities require the right height.
  • Pay for entry, accommodation with partners, in-store goods or restaurant visits, including debit card payments.
  • To detect and prevent card payment fraud.
  • Handle and deliver what you have purchased in accordance with our terms of purchase, for example by delivering the product you have purchased.
  • Notify (via app, SMS, email or similar electronic communications) of changes to our services and products, such as changes to the park's program or offer.
  • Promote our services and products, for example via e-mail and text messages.
  • Collect statistics on orders through a business agreement for reporting to the company (usually your employer).
  • Provide statistics on purchase visits, accommodation and goods to improve our service
Legal basis for handling: We manage your personal data to support the execution of an agreement when we want to provide access, stay and / or product when we have a valid interest in using your data for statistical and marketing of our services, which ensures payment - and fraud prevention, as well as legal support for handling setting options, attendants or wheelchairs.
Shelf life: We store information about you for up to 12 months after your visit, including to have data as a basis for any complaints.

3.2 Claims for compensation
When you contact us with compensation claims, we handle:
  • Information you provide to us, such as names (and names of related) contact details, payment information, account information, case history.
  • Your social security number, for example when applying for insurance compensation.
  • Details of the cause of claims for damages.
  • Documents related to your case, such as receipts or medical certificates.
  • We handle your personal information to:
  • Manage and assess your requirements.
  • Detecting and preventing fraud in connection with claims for damages.
  • Get statistics on your cases to improve our services.

Legal basis processing: We manage your personal data under legal obligation when we deal with your case of injury, the performance of the agreement when we handle claims about the product, and when we have a valid interest in improving our services and detecting and preventing fraud.
Storage time: To ensure traceability, we store your personal data for up to 36 months after the case is completed. If compensation is paid in the case, we store the data for 7 years in accordance with the Accounting Act. Personal injury claims are stored until the case is clarified and data on any disbursement is kept unlimited for any new reviews of the case.

3.3 You as a Member / Guest in Kongeparken
When you are a member / guest of Kongeparken, linked to a company agreement, Kongeparkens family card or a login account or
When you choose to become a customer of Kongeparken, become a business agreement, buy Kongeparken family card and / or create a login account in our digital channels, we handle:

  • Information provided by yourself or your employer to us, such as name, social security number and contact information, including telephone number and e-mail address.
  • Contact information and other information we obtain from public address registers.
  • A customer number or username that we create to identify you in our systems.

We handle your personal information to identify and manage your customer relationship with Kongeparken.

Legal basis for handling:
We handle your personal information with support in the execution of agreements to manage the customer's relationship with Kongeparken.
Shelf life: We store your personal information under the customer relationship and then for up to 3 months.
In the sections below, you can read more about how we handle personal information, depending on whether you are a customer in Kongeparken, linked to a business agreement, a Kongeparken family card and / or have a login account.

3.3.1 You as a customer in Kongeparken
When you are a guest in Kongeparken, in addition to what is described in sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 above, we also handle:
  • Details of your customer account, such as customer number and email.
  • Details of purchases from us or our partners
  • Details of your visit, accommodation and purchase history.
Personal data is handled for:
  • Manage your Royal Park account and your orders, such as registration and payment on invoice.
  • Contact you with information and general offers, such as emails and text messages.
  • Analyze and group up with our other customers based on the information you provide us (such as age, place of residence, gender and stated preferences) and based on how you use our services (visits and purchase history).
  • Learn about personalized and customized campaigns, promotions and benefits from us and our partners, such as emails and text messages.
  • Get statistics and perform analytics to improve our services, products and offerings, including long-term analysis to capture trends over time.
  • Ensure the security of our services, detect or prevent various forms of illegal use or use that otherwise violate the Terms.

Legal basis:
We manage your personal data to support the execution of an agreement when we meet our obligations to you as a member / guest (for example, manage your membership and provide relevant offers) and to use details such as your visits and purchases, to produce statistics and to develop, improve and ensure the security of our services.

Shelf life: We store your personal information during the membership period and then for up to 3 months. To ensure traceability, we store data about our communications with you for 12 months. Your visit, accommodation and purchase history will be stored for up to 7 years for our valid interest in analyzing trends over time. If you end your relationship with Kongeparken, we anonymize visits, accommodation and purchase history.

3.3.2 You who are affiliated with a business agreement
When you are associated with a business agreement, in addition to what is described in sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 above, we also handle:
  • Details of your connection to a business agreement and your consent under the business agreement.
  • Billing information.
  • Details of your visit, accommodation and purchase history.

Personal data is handled to:
  • Manage your connection to a business deal.
  • Manage payment, such as presentation of company account invoices.
  • Make it easier for you, your employer and your travel agent to book accommodation.
  • Collect statistics on bookings and accommodations for reporting to your business customer (usually your employer).
  • Analyze and group up with our other customers, based on the information you provide us (such as age, place of residence, gender and stated preferences) and based on how you use our services (visit, housing and purchase history).
  • Contact you with information about both general offers, personalized and personalized offers, promotions and benefits from us, such as e-mail and text.
  • Provide statistics and analytics to improve our services, products and offerings, including long-term analysis to capture trends over time.
  • Ensure the security of our services, detect or prevent various forms of illegal use or use that otherwise violate the Terms.

Legal basis: We manage your personal data on the basis of our and our partners' interests in managing and monitoring accommodation purchased through our contracting company, to assist you in booking accommodation and meeting our obligations to hired companies to provide you with relevant offers. We handle your personal data when we have a valid interest in using information about your visits, locations and purchases to produce statistics and to develop, improve and ensure the security of our services.

Storage time: We will store your connection information as long as you are connected to a business agreement. To ensure traceability, we store data about our communications with you for 12 months. Your visit, accommodation and purchase history will be stored for up to 7 years for our valid interest in analyzing trends over time. If you end your relationship with Kongeparken, we anonymize visits, accommodation and purchase history.

3.3.3 You who have a Kongeparken family card
When you have a Kongeparken family card, in addition to what is described in sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 above, we also handle:
  • Information about your family card, such as card number, level and period of validity.
  • Details of your visit and purchase history.

Personal data is handled to:
  • Manage your family card, such as validity and booking.
  • Contact you with information and offers, such as emails and text messages.
  • Provide statistics and analytics to improve our services, products and offerings, including long-term analysis to capture trends over time.
  • Ensure the security of our services, detect or prevent different types
  • Personal data is handled to:
  • Manage login accounts and simplify future visits, purchases, and accommodations.
  • Contact you with information and general offers, such as emails and text messages.
  • Provide statistics and analytics to improve our services, products and offerings, including long-term analysis to capture trends over time.
  • Provide, maintain, test, improve and develop digital services and technical platform used to provide these.
  • Ensure the security of our services, detect or prevent various forms of illegal use or use that otherwise violate the Terms.

Legal basis processing: We manage your personal data to support the execution of an agreement when we provide the service and even when we and you have an interest in simplifying booking and using data for visits, any accommodations and purchases for developing statistics and developing, improve and ensure the security of our services.

Durability: We store your login information as long as you are actively using your login account (up to 6 months after last use) or another active involvement with us (linked to the corporate agreement or Kongeparken family card). To ensure traceability, we store data about our communications with you for 12 months. Your visit, accommodation and purchase history will be stored for up to 7 years for our valid interest in analyzing trends over time. If you end your relationship with Kongeparken, we anonymize visits, accommodation and purchase history.

3.4 When you communicate with us
You can choose to communicate with Kongeparken in many different ways, for example via social media, in the FAQ forum or chat, call and e-mail to our customer service and reservations, guest service and reception in our partners' accommodation.
When you communicate with us, we handle information that you provide to us, such as:
  • Name and contact information.
  • Information about your point of view, question or case.

We handle your personal information to:
  • Answer questions and handle your case, such as correcting errors, handling complaints, and asking for missing items.
  • Provide ordered information, such as annual and sustainability reports.
  • Improve our services and the information we provide and publish on our website.
  • Analyze conversations to improve our service.

Legal basis for handling: We handle your personal information for ours and your ability to handle your case (weighting of interest).
Storage time: We store your personal data for up to 12 months after the case is closed, to ensure traceability in our communication with us.

3.5 When participating in market activities or customer surveys
In connection with marketing activities (lectures, competitions, campaigns, etc.) or in connection with customer surveys (surveys and interviews), we handle the data you provide to us, including names and contact information.

We handle your personal information to:
  • Manage your marketing activity or customer survey, including feedback to you.
  • Inform and offer you new market activities and customer surveys.
  • Get statistics from market activities and customer surveys to improve our services.

Legal basis processing: We administer your personal information for our and your valid interests described above (balance of interests) and with support in the execution of an agreement in the management of contests. If our treatment requires your consent, we will obtain your consent before the treatment begins.

Storage time: We store your personal data as a starting point for 1 month after completion of the activity.

3.6 When connecting to Kongeparken Wi-Fi or web site

3.6.1 When connecting to Kongeparkens Wi-Fi
When you connect to Kongeparkens Wi-Fi, we are responsible for the communication that takes place to connect to the Internet, but not for further processing or for the content of your communication through Wi-Fi. When you connect to Kongeparken's Wi-Fi, you handle your IP address, MAC address, timestamps yourself.

3.6.2 When using the Kongeparkens website
We handle your personal information to:
  • Information on how to integrate with and use our site, such as when booking a home.
  • Information about your visits to our websites, through so-called cookies. For more information on how to use cookies, see here.

3.7 When we have a legal obligation
Except as described in the preceding paragraphs, we may in some cases handle your personal information when required by law, for example because of our accounting obligation, or at the request of the authority.

4. How long should we store your data?
Your personal data is stored only as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose of the processing, or as long as we are permitted to store it under the law. Then your information will be deleted or unidentified so that they can no longer be associated with you. Read more about how long we store your data under each section in Chapter 3.

5. To whom do we give your information?
Kongeparken never sells your information to a third party. However, we may disclose your personal information to the following categories of recipients:
  • Manufacturers, both inside and outside the EU / EEA, such as IT services, advertising services, handling customer service issues or performing remittance and credit on behalf of Kongeparkens.
  • Partners in and outside Norway, for example to authenticate season ticket or membership.
  • Event partners so that they can conduct events and for the other reasons described in their privacy policy.
  • If you book or travel through company agreements, information about your purchase and travel history may be transferred to the company we have an agreement with (usually an employer).
  • Your bank when you authenticate yourself with Bank ID, pay with a card or with Vipps.
  • Other recipients when required by law, other constitution or authority decision.

Recipients who handle personal information on behalf of Kongeparken have signed a Data Processing Agreement with us so that we can ensure that your data is handled correctly and safely. If we use providers that process personal data on our behalf outside the EU / EEA, we take special precautions, such as entering into agreements that include standardized data transfer clauses adopted by the European Commission and available on the European Commission's website.
When your personal information is shared with a recipient who has an independent responsibility for personal information, such as a government or bank, the recipient's privacy and data management policies apply.

6. How do we protect your personal information?
Your integrity is important to us, which is why we put security in focus. We take steps to protect your data in accordance with the Data Protection Regulations and established information security policies. This means that we have data protection procedures and rules, such as sending information securely, and ensuring that employees only have access to the data they need to perform their work.

7. About cookies
When you visit our site, we may also collect information and information about you using so-called cookies. For more information on how to use cookies, see here

8. Your rights
You have certain rights under data protection law. If you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact us through the contact information in the next section.
Access to your information - you have the right to receive confirmation of whether we process your personal details and an extract of the data is processed.

  • Request Correction - You have the right to have incorrect information corrected.
  • Request to Delete - Under certain circumstances, you may remove your information.
  • Protest against the processing that is based on our legal interest and direct marketing - you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data or to limit this processing.
  • Data Portability Rights - You have the right to require that personal data be transferred from us to another company, authority or organization. This right is limited to information provided to us by you.
  • To learn more about privacy law and your rights, read more here:
  • Kongeparken has a privacy representative ("DSO") to ensure that Kongeparken handles personal information in a legal, correct and transparent manner.

If you believe that our processing of your personal information does not comply with the laws of protection, please contact us, see contact information below. You also have the right to appeal to the Data Inspectorate.

9. How do you discourage electronic direct marketing?
Kongeparken can use your e-mail address or mobile number for direct marketing. If you do not want us to use your direct marketing email or telephone number, please contact us to remove the data.

Contact us below:
You can also follow the link at the bottom of the Kongeparken newsletter choose that you do not want email from Kongeparken.

10. Contact information
Kongeparken (Org 984033826) is the data controller for processing personal data. For more information on how your personal information is processed, corrected or deleted, please contact us

Kongeparken, Rogaland Leisure Park
Visiting address Kongsgata 20, 4330 Ålgård
Phone exchange: 51 61 26 66
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